School bully brother gay sex stories

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I tried talking to their parents, but they said: “The boys don’t mean you any harm. But getting groped by a couple of white kids is embarrassing. I can’t help that I inherited my mother’s big butt and long muscular legs. Then they wait until I’m out running through the neighborhood, to sneak up on me and grab my ass. They’re always teasing me about my big bubble butt. But somehow they’ve managed to make my life a living hell. Ryan and his twin brother Riley are only 5″ 4′ tall, weighing 115 lbs. Whose constantly being tormented by a couple of 13-year old white 7th graders. I’m a black 17-year old 6″ 3′ tall, 235 lbs linebacker for my high school football team.

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While I’m in the driveway stretching before my run, I look across the street to make sure Ryan and his twin brother Riley aren’t outside waiting to torment me, as they faithfully do every Saturday morning. I begin my morning workout with a 5-mile run, then I lift weights for an hour or so. Black high school football player Darryl is bullied by 2 white 7th graders.

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